Under the Europe in my region umbrella, DG REGIO provides a number of opportunities to craft proximity communications in partnership, and to jointly promote the tangible results of our respective funding efforts for the European territories.

This approach has been implemented since 2017 in successive contractual periods. The new round (2024-26) is starting now. This is therefore the right moment to express or confirm interest in taking part.

To this end, DGREGIO has prepared a dedicated kit of information detailing for each service what’s in for potential users, and what it entails: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/policy/communication/campaigns/euinmyregion_en


What is #EUinmyregion

Europe in my region is a co-created communication initiative that aims to showcase EU action for regions across Europe. Together with partner Regions and EU-funded projects, we create tools and opportunities to engage with citizens and show what is made possible near them thanks to co-funding efforts from the EU and their regions.

Europe in my region region is also about joining forces with regions across the EU to run regional campaigns with an ultra-local flavour and a smile, offering fun experiences and activities around popular places that are part of the regional identity.

As part of Europe in my region, special attention is paid to schools. With EU in my school activities, we co-create playful and memorable experiences for pupils, making EU action tangible for the regions.

How it works

We are deploying a series of regional campaigns, with ad-hoc concepts for each partner region. The mix includes outdoor displays, visuals to be advertised on social media, street marketing operations and partnerships with local media and influencers.

Special actions and activities aimed at a wide audience, including schools, are also implemented in joint responsibility with partner Regions and projects. They include:

The organisation and delivery of memorable activities and experiences for school children,
The support of campaigns by regional partners on social media platforms.
A Toolkit with easy-to-use templates and customisable formats can be used by our regional partners as part of their communication activities.